

  • Room


name: string

name of this room

participantCount: number

count of participants (read/write, optional)

participantIds: ExternalParticipantId[]

ids of all participants (read/write, optional)

addParticipantIds?: ExternalParticipantId[]

ids of participants to be added to this room (read/write, optional)

removeParticipantIds?: ExternalParticipantId[]

ids of participants to be removed from this room (read/write, optional)

if participant requested then contains first chunk of participants in this rooms (if client fails to support chunks, then contains all participant in this room) (read, optional)

active?: boolean

if this room is active (read/write, optional)

muteStates?: MuteStates

global (room-wide) mute state, if any

pinnedParticipantId?: ExternalParticipantId

pinned participant in the room, if any